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VARIO: for highly effective, energy-efficient dry separation of fine dust

The VARIO series is particularly suitable for the separation of fine dust. Most classes of dust can be successfully separated. Significant separation efficiency is achieved with very low energy usage.

Excellent filter performance with low energy requirements
VARIO was improved to minimize energy consumption. Savings are achieved with more efficient fans as well as reduced compressed air consumption during filter element cleaning.  High degree of separation efficiency allows air recirculation back into the workplace.

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Dry separator VARIO


L-CUT: Effective risk-free filtration and separation of combustible dusts from thermal processes

The L-CUT series is specially designed to collect and separate dust such as fine metallic oxide particles and fumes created by thermal processes such as joining, separation or surface treatment by laser, plasma or gases.

A compact and sturdy solution
The integrated spark pre-separator protects the filter elements from damage by coarse particles, and the very compact, low profile ensures installation in limited spaces.

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Dry separator L-CUT

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L-CUT Neo: Effective risk-free filtration and separation of combustible dusts from thermal processes

The L-CUT series is specially designed to collect and separate dust such as fine metallic oxide particles and fumes created by thermal processes such as joining, separation or surface treatment by laser, plasma or gases.


A compact and sturdy solution

The integrated spark pre-separator protects the filter elements from damage by coarse particles, and the very compact, low profile ensures installation in limited spaces.

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Dry separator L-CUT Neo

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PT-Filter for highly effective, energy-efficient dry separation of fine dust in small spaces

The PT-Filter series is especially suitable for the separation of fine, free-flowing dust created by mechanical and thermal processes.

A special feature is the exchange of filter plates on the clean air side for easy maintenance, and reduced height for greater accessibility.

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Dry separator "PT-Filter"

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JET-SET: Separation of heavy volumes of fine dust particles

The JET-SET series is especially suitable for the separation of heavy volumes of fine dust in many applications. Nearly all types of dust can be successfully separated, such as those created in metal and polymer processing, recycling or timber industries, as well as treatment of non-metallic minterals.

Ideal for processing high volumes with minimal floor space requirement
The integrated filter hoses reliably separate high volumes due to their large surface. However, their space requirement is minimal.

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Dry separator "JET-SET"

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TR-1: Explosive dust from dry processes or MQL is extracted directly at the machine and safely separated

TR-1 for MQL and dry processing was designed as a stand-alone-system to be installed adjacent to a machine (emission source).

Prevention or dissipation of dust explosions
In addition to non-combustible dusts, the explosive dusts from the treatment of light metals such as aluminum, magnesium and modern metal compounds can be safely extracted and separated using appropriate safety measures - without a designated protective zone.

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Stand-alone dust collector TR-1 

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Centralized vacuum system for highly effective surface cleaning

It is necessary to provide a clean manufacturing environment, e. g., clean machinery and work areas in order to achieve optimal production results. Although brooms, mobile vacuum cleaners and blowing with compressed air are the most commonly used cleaning methods, they are not the most current form of cleaning technology. Especially during blowing with compressed air are several persons exposed to dispersed dust. This made the legislation impose a so called "blow-ban" for various industries. Keller Lufttechnik offers numerous stationary vacuum units that cost-effectively enhance productivity and efficiency, and require low maintenance.

Centralized manual dust extraction system
The system consists of branched, narrow ducting. Suction connections are supplied at pre-determined points to which a flex-hose can be attached by quick couplings. A variety of suction nozzles is available for different applications. The dust flows into the separator through a duct.

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Brochure "Central Vacuuming Units"


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Suction and separation at work stations, workbooths and work benches

Grinding, shot blasting, welding or similar processes create dusts during manual and automatic processing. Collection, suction and separation of these dusts is required. 

To protect the surrounding work stations from dust and noise emissions it is mandatory to equip the workstation with a suitable sound attenuating workbooth and a dust filter.

State-of-the art and flexible dust extraction
Keller Lufttechnik offers up-to-date workbooth technology in different configurations (sliding or elevating roof, enclosed housing with sliding door).

Dust extraction is either by a directly attached extraction unit or via capture elements connected to a separate filtration system such as the VARIO series.

Extraction performance is independent of the range of accessories, and the high separation efficiency ensures economical and eco-friendly air recirculation.

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Suction and separation at work stations, workbooths and work benches

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FlexiCube - multi-purpose unit for independent workshops with minimal volumes of dust and smoke

Some workplaces are frequently ventilated using a capturing system whereby only the tiniest amounts of dust and smoke are extracted. This does not always require the use of a large filtration system with automatic cleaning and disposal containers. The FlexiCube with storage filters was specifically designed for these smaller applications.

Operating mode
Polluted indoor air is extracted via suitable collection elements. The exhaust air is then filtered through various filter stages, each of which can be easily combined, depending on the application.

Advantages/special features

  • High-performance: 99.95 percent separation efficiency with particle sizes of 0.1 - 0.3 μm (when using an H13 filter stage)
  • Ease of handling: Plug-and-play. Casters with brake for secure positioning and quick repositioning.
    Operation is intuitive, power is infinitely variable.
  • Energy-efficient: drive with EC motor
  • Robust and durable: with solid 2 mm sheet metal industrial design
  • Compact and multi-purpose: the optional combinations of different filter media makes it adaptable to a wide range of applications
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Dry separator FlexiCube

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