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Buersten Teaser

The extraction of fine metal or aluminium dust is essential. Consequently, our extraction systems provide requisite explosion protection and potential clean air recirculation.

Compoundieren Teaser

The dust and fumes generated during compounding processes require careful dust extraction. A reliable extraction system ensures a clean plant environment and flawless operation.

Druckgiessen Teaser

During die casting, lubricants and release agents evaporate and permeate the plant air as adhesive gases. Keller Lufttechnik offers suitable extraction solutions, both for exhaust air and return air operation.

Giessen Metall schmelzen Teaser

We offer efficient extraction solutions for different casting processes such as smelting, molding, materials preparation and fettling.

Haerten Teaser

Metals hardening requires significantly different means of exhaust air purification. We provide the appropriate extraction solution for every application.

Laserbearbeiten Laserschneiden Teaser

We provide competent extraction solutions for multiple laser processes such as laser cutting, laser engraving and laser welding.

Mischen Wiegen Teaser

Our extensive portfolio of dry separators provides a high level of flexibility and ensures clean air in the area of preparation (mixing, weighing, and feeding).

Nasslackieren Teaser

Customers worldwide rely on our highly efficient, fully integrated dry separation system RECLAIM for wet painting. Well over 500 installed filter units testify to our expertise.

Polieren Teaser

During polishing, abrasives such as polishing dust, polishing paste, and any carriers are extracted. When designing the dry separation process, we add the requisite fire and explosion prevention measures.

Schleifen Teaser

Grinding processes of metals, spring ends, ceramics and plastics create very fine dusts, all of which can be capably extracted.

Schmiedepressen Teaser

The hazardous fumes generated by release agents during the forging of metal parts must be safely extracted. We provide the appropriate extraction solution for any problem.

Shreddern Teaser

When extracting dust from large shredders, we rely both on wet scrubbers to reliably control the risks of an explosion, and on dry separators to ensure compliance with stricter emissions regulations.

Schweissen Loeten Teaser

For welding fume extraction, we offer the appropriate dry separators, capturing elements, fire and explosion prevention components, as well as our complementary room air purifiers.

Strahlen Teaser

There are numerous dust mixtures and combinations resulting from blasting processes. Both our wet and dry scrubbers are up to the task.

During tablet pressing we ensure effective containment protection and a clean working environment.

Therm Spritzen Teaser

The overspray generated during thermal spraying can spread unhindered throughout the room. An extraction system with efficient capturing extracts the spray mist, thus keeping the ambient air clean and ensuring high coating quality.

Zerspanen Graphit Teaser

We provide customized extraction for the machining of metal, graphite, ceramic or composite workpieces.

Uebersicht Prozesse Teaser

Whether dust, chips, fumes or aerosols - we ensure optimized separation results.