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Extraction and separation for thermal spraying processes

In various spraying processes,  not all the coating material ends up on the product. Part of the coating material escapes into the environment in the form of overspray/spray mist. Therefore, only efficient,  precise collection and extraction will ensure a high quality end product.

Thermal spraying processes can generate a variety of hazardous material such as superfine, explosive or combustible matter, as well as harmful particulate. This requires strict adherence to legal and environmental regulations.

As a member of the GTS association, Keller Lufttechnik possesses the latest state-of-the art technology concerning thermal spraying.


Individual solutions for all requirements

Thermal spraying is a process with various fields of application in all sectors of industry and crafts. Therefore dust extraction systems must always be designed for the specific spraying method, the various materials and local circumstances.

For effective design and quote preparation, Keller prepared a questionnaire that includes the following:
- What type of material will be extracted?
- What is the required separation efficiency?
- What will be the method of disposal?
- What is the fire and explosion protection?
- What is the air flow?


Brochure thermal spraying

The appropriate extraction solution for any coating process

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Thermal spraying

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References thermal spraying

These customers rely on our extraction systems during thermal spraying.

MTU Aero Engines AG, Munich - Germany (Engine technology)

Federal Mogul GmbH, Friedberg - Germany (Cylinder liners)

Sket GmbH, Magdeburg - Germany (Wind turbines)

TDK Electronics, Munich - Germany (Capacitors)

Ambau GmbH, Gräfenhainichen - Germany (Wind turbines)

... and many more!