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Flow simulation as part of our range of services

Today, simulation technologies are standard in product development processes and engineering of extraction systems. Numerical flow machanics (Computational Fluid Dynamics - CFD) is frequently used for solutions to technical problems concerning flow.

Customers in numerous industries benefit from product development and engineering of extraction systems, including the automotive, aviation, and machine tool industries, process engineering, plant engineering, heat/electricity generation, or in the design and optimizing of capturing devices.  

Keller Lufttechnik has been using CFD simulation for several years in their product development. The technique has proven itself as a viable alternative, since complex flows can only be analyzed - if at all - using very complex calculations. Keller Lufttechnik possesses extensive knowledge and engineering capability in the field of high-tech flow simulation.

Detailed view into complex flow conditions

Even with the design of oomponents, different variants and their advantages can be represented with the help of flow simulations. A pre-selection can be made in advance, thereby reducing the cost of building prototypes.

A realistic modeling and simulation via CAD is more rapidly achieved than with the repeated creation of new patterns and prototypes. This reduces engineering and development time. As the product cycles are shortened, the time gained in order processing and product development is a major competitive advantage.

The simulation demonstrates weak points of existing parts and components. Areas of turbulence in the components can be located, or flow separation areas determined, thereby improving overall quality

Simulations visualise processes such as velocity fields and particle movements within flows. You will obtain deeper and improved insight into all the deciding factors (pressure, velocity, temperature, density, etc.) of your system. This is significant for complex processes that are frequently inaccessible for taking measurements.


Martin Rall, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)
Phone +49 7021 574 - 244

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Flow simulation in our range of services

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